

Sharmistha Sadhukhan

Faculty Since: 01-08-2008
Full Name Sharmistha Sadhukhan
Designation SACT
Department Psychology - Morning
Gender Female
Date of Appointment SACT 01-01-2020
Date of Joining in this College 01-08-2008

College Served

College Name From To Experience
Seth Anandram Jaipuria College Aug, 2008 Till Date -

Teaching Experience

UG Experience PG Experience
16 Years 6 Months
UG or PG College Name From To Duration

Administrative Duties

From To Duration Name of Body/Committee Served
04-05-2016 31-12-2021 5 Years 7 Months 28 Days HOD
01-04-2010 01-05-2013 3 Years 1 Month 1 Day HOD

Area of Expertise


Thrust area of Research


Oral/Poster Presentation in Seminar

Date Title Title of Conference Organised By Level Remarks
03-03-2023 A Comparative Study of Working and Non-working Women on Fashion Involvement in Relation to Buying Behaviour 32nd Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) Ahmedabad University National
09-10-2015 Impact of Viewing Emotionally Loaded Animated Films on Children's Imagination: An Exploratory Study Centenary Conference on Psychology - An International Event Department of Psychology and Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta International

Conferences/Seminars/Symposium/Workshops: Participated

Start Date End Date Duration Title Organised By Level Remarks
28-01-2021 05-02-2021 A Three Day Online Orientation Programme on UG Semester V Prioritised Syllabus of Psychology under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Department of Psychology, Asutosh College and Muralidhar Girls' College, Kolkata in collaboration with UG BOS in Psychology, CU and IQAC, Asutosh College, Kolkata Regional/College
26-07-2019 27-07-2019 Two-days' Orientation Programme on the Curriculum of Under Graduate Third Semester in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), 2019 Department of Psychology, Loreto College, Kolkata in collaboration with the UG BOS in Psycholoy, CU Regional/College
16-02-2019 23-02-2019 Two Day Orientation Programme for the Execution of the Curriculum of UG Second Semester in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), 2019 Department of Psychology, Asutosh College in collaboration with the UG BOS in Psychology, CU Regional/College
19-09-2018 19-09-2018 Orientation Programme for the Curriculum of First Semester in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Department of Psychology, Asutosh College in collaboration with UG BOS, CU Regional/College Department of Psychology, Asutosh College in collaboration with UG BOS, CU
06-12-2017 06-12-2017 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Teaching Learning Programme of Psychology Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah in collaboration with UG BOS in Psychology, CU Regional/College Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah in collaboration with UG BOS in Psychology, CU
08-09-2017 08-09-2017 Malnutrition - Myths vs. Truths Department of Food and Nutrition, S.A Jaipuria College, Kolkata Regional/College Department of Food and Nutrition, S.A Jaipuria College, Kolkata
03-10-2013 03-10-2013 Workshop for the Revised Three Year Undergraduate Syllabus Department of Psychology, Loreto College, Kolkata Regional/College Department of Psychology, Loreto College, Kolkata
18-09-2012 18-09-2012 National Symposium on 'Living through Disaster: Psychological and Policy Perspectives' Department of Psychology, CU in collaboration with National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) National Department of Psychology, CU in collaboration with National Academy of Psychology (NAOP)
03-11-2006 04-11-2006 Developmental Disability Department of Psychology, CU Regional/College

Invited lecture/Resource Person

Date Title Organised By Level
28-01-2021 Language and Emotional Development Department of Psychology, Asutosh College and Muralidhar Girls' College, Kolkata in collaboration with UG BOS in Psychology, CU and IQAC, Asutosh College, Kolkata Regional/College

Study Materials available in Learning Management System

SlNo Title Description
1 Stress Management
2 Applied Social Psychology: Environment
3 Participatory Action Research